Evaluasi Peran Lalat dalam Transmisi Penyakit: Literature Review


Disease and Vectors

How to Cite

Sri Handayani, Ibesse, Dian Purnita, Ridwan Haerun, & A. Alief Muadz. (2024). Evaluasi Peran Lalat dalam Transmisi Penyakit: Literature Review. Graha Medika Public Health Journal, 3(2), 93-103. Retrieved from https://journal.iktgm.ac.id/index.php/publichealth/article/view/193


Background: Flies are disease vectors that have the potential to transmit harmful pathogens to humans. The presence of flies can indicate poor sanitation and can spread various diseases such as diarrhea, food poisoning, cholera, vomiting, typhus, and dysentery.

Objective: To provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of flies as disease-spreading vectors through the analysis of various previous studies.

Methods: Literature searches were conducted through several credible scientific databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science. The criteria for articles included original research articles published between 2020 and 2024. The search for journals utilized the following keywords: flies, environment, disease, and vector. Data analysis was performed by grouping the articles.

Results: Eleven articles were found during the literature search that matched the theme. These articles discussed variables related to the types of flies and their characteristics, diseases transmitted by flies, the role of the environment in disease transmission by flies, and the effectiveness of fly control in reducing disease spread.
Conclusion: The presence of flies can indicate poor sanitation and can spread various diseases, including diarrhea, food poisoning, cholera, vomiting, and dysentery.

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