Introduction: Acute respiratory tract infections (ARI) in toddlers are still one of the public health problems that need to be considered, because acute respiratory infections in toddlers are one of the biggest causes of death in the world. Based on data obtained from related agencies, namely Pekalongan City Public Health Center, Acute Respiratory Infection Disease (ARI) ranked first in recent years.
The purpose: of this study is to determine the risk factors for the events of ARI in toddlers in the working area of the Pekalongan City Jenggot Puskesmas in 2023.
Methods: of research types are quantitative research with the analytic survey method design case control. The sample technique is Consecutive Sampling. The analysis data method is carried out by the Chi Square test and logistics regression.
Results: of the Bivariate Test Research obtained variables as a risk factor are immunization status (p = 0.000 or = 9.791), Members of the Family Smoking (p = 0.000 or = 14.939), humidity (p = 0.002 or = 5.667), and particulate dust content (p = 0.034 OR = 2.176).
Conclusion Factors that are risky in this research are immunization status, members of smoking families, humidity and particulate dust levels. Suggestions for the Pekalongan City Jenggot Puskesmas to always increase education to the public about the anti -smoking area so as not to smoke in the house and the importance of giving immunization for children.
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